Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Just letting everyone know that my new Website is finally up and running!  It is not completely done so bear with me as I keep updating.  The address is    I missed bloging, even though sometimes it made me crazy!  The coupon info is under because I save money.  Let me know what you think!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Just letting you all know that I am putting a new site together so stay tuned!

Thanks for your support!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Saying goodbye!

I just want to say thanks to everyone who has followed my blog, taken my class, emailed, commented and said hello to me in the stores!  I have totally enjoyed getting to meet all of you and hope that you continue to coupon.  I just simply do not have the time for this blog which makes me sad, but I don't like to do things half-way and always feel guilty for not getting updates done.
I will still answer questions if you want to email
Thanks again for your support and as always, Happy Shopping!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Smith's will be rounding coupons next week!

Just wanted to let you know on my reciept today it said that Smith's will round all coupons to $1 next week - Aug 25th thru Aug 31st. Yipee!
Thanks Gerratt's for the heads up!

And the winner is...

The winner of the personal shopping trip with Nicole is
Natalie S. who wrote, I have been trying to get this hang of this for a few months now.  Have gotten a few good deals, have made lots of mistakes.  I would love a chance to have a one on one consultation!  I hope I win!

Natalie S.  you have 24 hours to contact me by email ( to claim your prize!  If I don't hear from you then I will do another drawing.

Thanks everyone who emailed!  It was great to hear about your couponing!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Don't forget to sign up and use when you are shopping Smith's.  They have electronic coupons that you load on your Fresh Value Card and when you swipe your card or give your phone number, the coupons deduct automatically.  You can also give them paper coupons at the same time. also has a printable tab so you can print out coupons just like you do on

Smith's Matchups for 8/18 through 8/24

Add up the Savings Promo continues!  Save $4.00 when you buy any combination of 8 participating products using your Fresh Values Card. ( I am only listing the items we have coupons for, there are other items worth getting so check your ad!)
This has been going for a couple of weeks so this is probably the last week.  They usually run for 3 weeks. 

Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $1.99 (look for signs by the varieties included)
use $.50/2 printables from,,,
Final price: $1.24 each

Catalina is printing!
Buy 3 get $1.50 oyno
Buy 4 get $2.00 oyno
Buy 5 or more, get $3.00 oyno (which makes them $.64 each!)

Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue $5.99
use $.50 from 8/15 SS
Final price: $4.99

Betty Crocker Hamburger, Chicken or Tuna Helper $1.39
use $.75/3 from,,
Final price: $.69 each

Fiber One Bars $2.49
use $.50 from,,
Final price: $1.49

Catalina for Fiber One!
Buy 3 get $1.50 oyno
Buy 4 get $2.50 oyno
Buy 5 or more, get $3.50 oyno
Final price when buying 5 is $.79 each!

Gardettos $1.99
use $.50 from
Final price: $.99

General Mills Cereals 16.2-25.25 oz $2.99 (the big boxes)
use $1.00/2 printables from,,,
use $.55 off Cocoa Puffs printable
use $.55 off Trix printable
Price will vary from $2.44 - $2.49 (Not great)

The smaller boxes are on sale for $1.98
use any of the coupons from above
Final price: $.73 - $.98

Pillsbury Toaster Strudel $1.99
use $1.00/2 from or
Final price: $1.24

Sunny D $1.28
use $.25 from 8/8 SS
Final price: $.53

TGI Fridays Skillet Meals $5.49
use $1.50 from
Final price: $3.49

Wanchai Ferry Skillet Meals $5.49
use $1.50 from
Final price: $3.49

Albertson's Sale 8/18 through 8/24

Not much at all going on this week, which is not all bad since it is fair week.  Not to mention most of us just had to pay for school registration!  Take a breather after last week!  Sorry I am so slow getting these done and welcome to the newest group from the class I taught on Monday!  I am only listing what are the best deals. 

In Store coupons:
Albertson's Pasta $.78 each limit of 4. 
Glaceau Smartwater or Vitamin Water $.88 limit of 8

Dannon Yogurt $.50 each
 use $.40/6 from 8/15 SS
Final price: $.43 each

Cottenelle Bath Tissue 12 pack $4.99
use $.50/1 from 8/15 SS
Final price $4.49

There are manufacturer's coupons on the back page.  You cannot stack these since they are manufacturer's coupons.  Nothing really exciting for me. 

Wanchai Ferry Frozen Entree $5.99
use $1.50/1 from
Final price: $4.49 each.

That's it for me, if anyone finds anything that I missed, feel free to comment!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hidden Double Coupon Ideas

I went shopping yesterday but have not had time to post my pictures.  I few things that we found while shopping.

Glade Candles, some were on closeout for $2.00 the rest are on sale for $2.49.  Used $1.00 off from 8/1 SS so with a doubler they are free or $.49.

Also Glade Scented Oil refills were $2.00, used $1.00 off from 8/1 SS and doubled it so they were FREE!

I found Hormel Always Tender Pork Chops, used $1.00 off from 8/1 SS and doubled it.  I got one package for $.63, one for $.84 and I bought 3 racks of ribs, each about $7.00 (which is something my family loves and I never buy).  Anything with the Always Tender Hormel label will work.

LA Looks Hair Gel $2.99, use $1.00 off form 5/23 SS or 8/1 RP.  Final price $.99.

El Monterey 2 Pack Burritos, $.99 each.  Used $1.00/5 from 5/16 SS and doubled it.  Final price was $.79 for a 2 pack.

Cinnabon Cracker and Cereal were both on sale for $2.50.  Used the $1.00 coupon from the Parade magazine 8/15 and doubled it.  Final price was $.50 a box. 

Happy shopping everyone!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Double Coupons are coming!

Just giving you all a heads up that we are getting Albertson's Twice the Value Coupons (aka Doubles!) this Sunday! 
At the Burley store they will let you do 3 separate transactions in one trip.  Meaning you used to spend 3 doubles, go out to your car, come back, spend 3 more, go out to your car etc...
Now you can use 3 doubles, put the space bar, do a 2nd transaction using 3 more doubles, space bar, 3rd transaction using 3 more doubles.  Then go out to your car, come back in and do another 2 or 3 transactions depending on how many you have.
Remember you cannot make money on doubles.  Meaning if the price of the item is $1.99 and you have a $1.00 coupon, then the double will be worth $.99 instead of $1.00.
You can also use doubles on any coupon $1.00 or less in value EVEN if it says do not double on it!
Happy Shopping everyone!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Late night shopping, total spent $5.84, saved $44.70

6 boxes of Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $2.00 each, used 3- $.50/2 coupons; 2 Betty Crocker Cake Mixes $1.00 each, 2 Betty Crocker Frostings $1.50 each, used 2- $.50/2 coupons.  Got $5.00 off instantly, paid with a $5.00 catalina from last week, total OOP $5.22, saved $22.80 and got a $3.00 catalina for the fruit snacks.
10 Bisquik Shake 'n Pour Pancake mixes $1.00 each, used 2- $2.00/5 coupons that I bought a couple months ago on Ebay; 1 gallon of milk $2.19.  Got $5.00 off instantly, paid with my $3.00 catalina from the first transaction.  Total OOP $.62, saved $21.90!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Time for a contest!

I haven't been doing much shopping lately and I am feeling a little disconected so let's have some fun!  I would like to see what everyone else is buying, how much money you are saving or even just your attempt at saving.  Email your picture to or just post a comment. 
We will pick a winner (using and the prize will be a personal consultation/shopping trip with Nicole!  I feel a little strange because maybe no one will think this is cool, but I have people comment all the time that they would love to go shopping with me.  (Or at least have me do their shopping!)
The contest will last until Saturday, Aug 21st at 10:00 am.  Can't wait to hear and see what you have been up to!
I guess I should say that you have to live in the Burley/Rupert or Twin Falls area.

Smith's Sale 8/11 through 8/17

Founder's Day Sale continues...

Save $4.00 when you buy any combination of 8 participating products using your Fresh Value Card.

Powerade, Sobe or Sobe Lifewater $.48
24 Pack Nestle Pure Life Water $2.99
Kroger 16 oz. Bar or Shredded Cheese $2.49
Fritos or Cheetos $1.49
Frozen Claim Jumper Entrees or Hungry Man Dinners $1.77
CapriSun or Kool-Aid Jammers $1.49
Sunny D 64 oz. $.78
Quaker Quakes Rice Snacks $.99
Bumble Bee Tuna or Tuna Salad $.49
Betty Crocker Potato Pouch $.49
Progresso Soup $1.00
  • use $.50/2 from, or
  • Final price $.75
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $1.49
  • use $.50/2 from,,,
  • Final price $1.24
Hamburger, Chicken or Tuna Helper $.89
  • use $.75/3 from,,,
  • Final price: $.64
General Mills Cereals select varieties $1.48
  • use $1.00/2 from,,,
  • or use $.55 off Trix from same as above
  • or use $.55 off Cocoa Puffs
  • Final price: $.93 - $.98
Wanchai Ferry Frozen Skillet Meal $4.99
  • use $1.50 off from,,,,
  • Final price: $3.49
There are some more but I am too tired to think so I will finish this tomorrow!

Albertson's Sale 8/11 through 8/17

I am going to start with the General Mills Promo (found on the back page) Save $5.00 instantly when you buy ANY 10 of these participating General Mills Products in a single transaction.  Plus get 50 Bonus Box Tops (which is a $5.00 value to the school you donate them to).  You should be able to buy 30 products at a time, just make sure that it takes 3 @$5.00 off before you pay.

All of the coupons are printables so my best advice is to go to,,,, and and print 2 from each site.  I am not going to put links since they will be taking you to the same sites over and over.  (Sorry being lazy today!)
Update!  Also go to, they have most of the coupons listed!

I am only listing the ones that I have found coupons for.

$2.50 items that will be $2.00 after instant savings:
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
use $.50/2 printable
Final price: $1.75 each

Totino's Pizza Rolls
use $.40/2 printable
Final price: $1.80 each

Pillsbury Cookie Dough
use $1.00/2 printable
Final price: $1.50 each

Pillsbury Sweet Moments
use $1.00 printable
Final price: $1.00 each/ FREE with double!

Nature Valley Granola Bars
use $.50  printable
Final price: $1.50 each
If you buy 5 it will be like paying $.80 each after factoring in the catalina/ $.50 with double!

Catalina update
Buy Nature Valley Granola Bars, 6.7 oz or larger, or Fiber One Chewy Bars, any flavor/variety between 8/9 and 9/5

Buy 3, Receive $1.50 Catalina ($0.50 savings per item)
Buy 4, Receive $2.50 Catalina ($0.62 savings per item)
Buy 5 or more, Receive $3.50 Catalina ($0.70 savings per item)

Nature Valley Nut Clusters
use $1.00 printable
Final price: $1.00 each/FREE with double!

$2.00 items that will be $1.50 each after instant savings
Betty Crocker Fruit Gushers, Roll-ups, or Fruit by the Foot
use $.50/2 printable
Final price: $1.25 each
If you buy 4 it will be like paying $.75 each!

Catalina update!
Buy Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks between 8/9 and 9/5

Including: Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers,Fruit Roll-Ups, Fruit Roll-ups Fruit Stickerz
Buy 3, Receive $1.50 Catalina ($0.50 savings per item)
Buy 4, Receive $2.00 Catalina ($0.50 savings per item)
Buy 5 or more, Receive $3.00 Catalina ($0.67 savings per item)

Betty Crocker Premium Brownie Mix
use $.75/2 printable
Final price: $1.13 each/$.75 with double!

Betty Crocker Warm Delights or Warm Delights Minis
use $.50 printable
Final price: $1.00 each/$.50 with double

Pillsbury Breadsticks or Loaves
use $.40/2 printable
Final price: $1.30 each

Yoplait Go-Gurt
use $.75/2 printable
Final price: $1.13 each

General Mills Cereal 8.9 oz Cheerios, 11.8 oz Cocoa Puffs, 11.5 oz Lucky Charms, Trix and Reeses Puffs are also pictured so check what is included when you are shopping.
use $.55 off Cocoa Puffs printable
use $.55 off Trix printable
or use $1.00.2 General Mills cereal printable
Final price:  $.95 - $1.00 each/ $.40-$.60 with doubles!

$1.50 items that wll be $1.00 after instant savings:
Chex Mix
use $.50 printable
Final price: $.50 each/FREE with Double!

Progresso Soup
use $.50 printable
Final price: $.75 each/$.25 with doubles!

Pillsbury Grands Biscuits
use $.30/2 printable
Final price: $.85 each

$1.25 items that will be $.75 after instant savings:
Totino's Party Pizza
use $1.00/5 printable
Final price: $.55 each wyb 5/$.35 each with double!

Hamburger, Chicken or Tuna Helper
use $.75/3 printable
Final price: $.50 each

Betty Crocker Frosting $1.00
use $.50/2 printable (these are when you buy a cake mix and frosting at the same time)
Final price: $.75 each/$.50 with double.

Betty Crocker Super Moist Cake Mix $.50
use $.50/2 printable (goes with the frosting)
Final price: $.25/FREE with double!

These are the rest of the items on sale, price listed is after instant savings:
Bugles $1.00
Old El Paso Taco Shells $1.00
Yoplait Delights or Yo Plus $2.00
Old El Paso Dinner Kit $2.00
General Mills Cereal Treats $1.50
Betty Crocker Muffin Mix $1.50
Yoplait Trix 6 pack $1.50
Yoplait Splitz 4 pack $1.50
Betty Crocker Cookie Pouch $1.00
Betty Crocker Bisquick Mix 20oz $1.00  (the printable is only for 40 oz, bummer!)
Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes $.50
Old El Paso Refried Beans $.50
Green Giant Vegetables $.39
Betty Crocker Shake 'n Pour 5.1 oz. $.50

Other items of note:
Fresh Albertson's Whole Fryer Chicken $.79 lb. limit of 4 (awesome price!)

Red Baron Pizza $3.50 each
 use $1.00 off Pan Pizza from (If included in sale)
Final price: $2.50 each

Red Baron Pizza By the Slice $3.34 each
use $1.00/2 from 8/1 RP
Final price: $2.84 each

Kotex Pads, Tampons or Stayfree Pads $2.99
Use $1.50/2 liners from 8/8 SS
or use $2.00/2 Pads from 8/8 SS
or use $1.50/2 Tampons from 8/8 SS
Final price varies from $1.99 - $2.24 each

Albertson's Sale that starts tomorrow

So I am just starting to work on the matchups but wanted you  to let you know that you are going to want to print these coupons from  Also there are several on (after you get to then hit the printable tab and you can print 2 of each).
This is going to be a great sale!  The promo is Save $5.00 instantly when you buy ANY 10 participating products in a single transaction and get 50 Bonus Box Tops. 
More to come later!

Save $1.00 on TWO Big G Cereals when you buy any TWO

Save 50¢ Yoplait when you buy any flavor Yoplait® Simply…Go-GURT™ Yogurt

Save 50¢ Nature Valley when you buy ONE BOX any flavor Nature Valley® Sweet & Salty Nut Granola Bars

Save 50¢ on TWO Progresso when you buy TWO any flavor Progresso® Soups

Save 50¢ on TWO Betty Crocker when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor/variety Betty Crocker® Fruit Shapes, Fruit by the Foot®,

Save 75¢ on THREE Hamburger Helper when you buy THREE any flavor Hamburger Helper®, Tuna Helper® OR Chicken Helper

Save 75¢ on TWO Yoplait when you buy TWO any flavor Yoplait® products listed: • Yoplait® Go-GURT® Yogurt • Yoplait® Tri…

Save 40¢ on TWO Totino’s when you buy TWO PACKAGES any flavor/variety Totino’s® Rolls Snacks

Save 55¢ Big G Cereals when you buy ONE BOX Trix® cereal

Save 50¢ Chex when you buy ONE BOX Chex Mix® Treats OR Golden Grahams® Treats

Save 30¢ on TWO Pillsbury when you buy TWO any size/variety Refrigerated Pillsbury® Grands!® Biscuits

Save 75¢ on TWO Betty Crocker when you buy TWO BOXES any flavor Betty Crocker® Supreme Brownie OR Dessert Bar Mixes

Save $1.00 on FIVE Totino’s when you buy FIVE any flavor/variety Totino’s® Crisp Crust Party Pizza® Products

Save $1.00 Pillsbury when you buy any Pillsbury® Sweet Moments™ Refrigerated Desserts

Save 55¢ Big G Cereals when you buy any ONE BOX Cocoa Puffs® cereal

Save 50¢ Bisquick when you buy ONE BOX 40 OZ. OR LARGER Original Bisquick® OR Bisquick Heart Smart® Baking Mix

Save $1.00 on TWO Pillsbury when you buy TWO PACKAGES any variety Pillsbury® Refrigerated Cookie Dough

Save 50¢ Yoplait when you buy any flavor YoPlus® Yogurt 4-pack

Monday, August 9, 2010

Time to order your Bountiful Baskets!  You can start ordering at 8:00 tonight and ordering will go until they are sold out or until 11:00 pm on Tuesday evening.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thanks to Nicke for the heads up on this great deal for breastfeeding moms.

Go to and use code “cousin2” and it brings the price form $32 to $0. It has to be a limited time thing. you still have to pay shipping which is $9.95 but I honestly could not buy the fabric and materials to make one for that cheap!

Not moving yet

Anyone want to buy my house?  We thought we were moving but the deal fell through.  I am still thinking of having a moving/garage sale.  Anyone want to join in?

Friday, August 6, 2010

2 Inserts this Sunday!

Looks like we will be getting a Smart Source and a Red Plum on Sunday!
If you are not getting 5 copies of the Times News every week and you would like to subscribe, please call 208-219-1384 and speak with Nicole.  The cost is $18.00 per month if you have it charged to a debit or credit card.  

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Smith's and Albertson's sales this week

So I keep thinking that I will get around to posting the matchups but it isn't looking like it will happen anytime soon.  I am just going to post links to what everyone is posting this week. 
Smith's Matchups

Albertson's Matchups

Happy shopping!

Planters coupon to go with the Albertson's Sale

Click here to get a $1.00/2 Planter's Products
Albertson's Sale this week:
Planters Trail Mix $1.25

Buy 10 Participating Products, Save $5.00 Instantly
$1.00/2 – Planters Products, any – (
(Also look for Tearpad coupon too!)
Final Price: $0.25 each!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sorry I have been away...

My son is leaving on a mission for our church tomorrow and the last few days have been hectic to say the least!  I will hopefully be back to normal on Thursday.  Thanks for your patience!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Could be getting 4 inserts on Sunday!

We will be getting a new P&G, a Smartsource and might get 2 Red Plums.  Usually when we get 2 then one is good and the other just has a few coupons in it. 

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Time to submit your yard sales!

Don't forget to send in your yard sale info or feel free to make a comment with your information!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Smith's Sale 7/28 through 8/3

I am sure you have all seen your ad this morning that says Smith's is making All Manufacturers' Coupons Worth $1.00 today through Saturday!  What this means is any coupon $.99 or less will be worth $1.00. 

Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick $.88
use $.50 from 7/25 SS
Final price: FREE

Crest Toothpaste $1.00
use $.75 from P&G 7/4
or use $.50 from RP 6/27 or P&G 6/6
final price: FREE

P&G Promo

Buy 4, Save $4.00 Instantly

Downy or Bounce Fabric Softener $4.99
$0.25/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Softener or Dryer Sheets, any size from PG 6/6 (EXP 7/31)
$2.00/1 – Downy Liquid of Sheets, eCoupon – (
Final Price: $0.99

Tide Stain Release In Wash Booster, 34 ct or 50-68 oz $10.99
$3.00/1 – Tide Stain Release, 26-50 oz powder, 15-34 duo pac, or 36-68 oz liquid, eCoupon – (
$1.00/1 Tide Stain Release, any from PG 7/4 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: 5.99

Tide Laundry Detergent 100 oz or 141-175 oz $10.99
$2.00/1 – Tide Liquid Detergent, any size, eCoupon – (
$1.00/1 Tide Detergent, any from PG 7/4 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: $6.99

Tampax Tampons 40 ct, $5.49
$2.00/1 – Tampax Pearl or Compak Pearl Product, eCoupon – (
$2.00/1 Tampax Pearl or Compak Pearl, any from PG 7/4, 6/6 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: $0.49

Charmin Bath Tissue, 6-16 roll $6.99
$0.25/1 Charmin product, any from PG 7/4, 6/6 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: $4.99

Bounty Paper Towels, 2 ct $2.99
$0.25/1 Bounty Towels or Napkins, any from PG 7/4, 6/6 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: $0.99

Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor 25% Off
$4.00/1 Gillette Fusion Razor, any from PG 6/6 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: Unknown

Gillette, Old Spice, Zest Body Wash $2.99
$2.00/1 Gillette Body Wash or Deodorant, any excluding trial size from PG 7/4 (EXP 7/31)
Final price: FREE

Herbal Essence Hair Care $2.99
$0.50/1 Herbal Essences or Aussie product, any excluding trial size from PG 7/4 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: $0.99

Pampers Jumbo Pack Diapers $8.99
use $1.50 from P&G 6/6 or 7/4
use $2.00 off Cruiser from RP 6/21
or use $2.00 off Swaddlers from RP 6/21
final price $5.499-$6.49

Other Deals:

Trident Gum $0.79
$0.50/1 – Trident White Gum – (
Final price: FREE

Weber Seasoning Packets $0.89
$0.50/1 Weber Seasoning or Grinder, any from SS 6/27
Final Price: FREE

Bounty Basic Paper Towels $1.09
$0.25/1 Bounty Towels or Napkins, any from PG 7/4, 6/6 (EXP 7/31)
Final Price: $0.09

Yoplait Greek Yogurt $1.19
$0.30/1 – Yoplait Greek Yogurt Cups – (
Final price: $0.19

Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap $1.49
$0.25/1 Dawn Dishwashing Liquid, any size from PG 6/6, 7/4 (EXP 7/31)
Final price: $0.49

Thanks to thekrazycouponlady for help with these matchups!
Go through your coupons and see what other deals you can find!

Albertson's Sale 7/28 through 8/3

A few things to mention this week.  Doubles have been confirmed for Sunday, the current P&G expires on Saturday the 31st and the new P&G comes out Sunday.  The Promo for this week is P&G so it will be up to you to decide whether to wait for the new coupons to use with doubles or use the ones that expire on Saturday.  Here is what I have found so far!

P&G Promo : Save $10.00 on your next Gift Card Mall Purchase when you spend $30.00 or more in participating products in a single transaction.  The Gift Card Mall is all the different gift cards for restaurants, visa, other stores and I think even Albertsons.  I will show you prices after coupons, the $10.00 gift card basically represents a 33% savings on top of the final price shown.

Tide - first 2 $9.99 each
use $1.00 detergent from 7/4 P&G
use $3.00 off Stain Release from 7/4 P&G (if this size in included)
or use $1.00 off Stain Release from 6/6 & 7/4 P&G
Final price: $6.99-$8.99

Charmin Bath Tissue $6.99
use $.25 from 7/4 P&G
final price: $6.74

Bounty Paper Towel $9.99
use $.25 from P&G 6/6 or 7/4
final price: $9.74

Downy $5.99
use $.25 off from 6/6 P&G
final price: $5.74

Bounty Napkins $2.99
use $.25 from 6/6 or 7/4 P&G
final price: $2.74

Pringles Super Stack $1.49
use $1.00/4 from 6/27 RP
final price: $1.24

Cascade Dish Detergent $4.49
use $.50 from 7/4 P&G
final price: $3.99

Dawn $2.49
use $.50 off Ultra Plus from 6/6 P&G (if included)
or use $.25 from 6/6 or 7/4 P&G
final price: $1.99-$2.24

Always Pads $4.99
use $1.00 from 6/6 or 7/4 P&G
or use $1.00 off pantiliners from 6/6 P&G
final price: $3.99

Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor $9.99
use $2.00 from 7/4 PG
final price: $7.99

Olay Bar Soap of Body Wash $5.99
use $4.00 off Total Effects from 6/6 P&G
AND use Buy Total Effects, get Ivory Body Wash, Bar Soap or Hand Wash Free from 6/6 P&G
final price: $1.99 plus whatever you get free!

So obviously I will have to redo this promo on Sunday when the new P&G comes out so check back then!

Other items:
Prego Pasta Sauce $.99 each (first 2)
use the $1.00/2 coupon from campbellskitchen (I did a post on it yesterday)
Final price: $.49 each or wait for doubles and it will be FREE!

Pampers Wipes 64-80 ct $1.99
use $2.00 from 6/6 P&G
final price: FREE

Colgate Wisp 4 pack $1.99
use $.50 from 7/25 SS
final price: $1.49 or $.99 with doubles

Acne Free Skincare Products $15.99
use $3.00 from RP 7/25
Final price: $12.99

Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick $1.99
use $.50 from 7/25 SS
final price: $1.49 or $.99 with doubles

Ziploc Easy Zipper Storage Bags $1.99
use $1.00/2 from 7/25 SS
or use $.40/1 from 7/25 SS
Final price: $1.49-$1.59 or $.99-$1.09 with doubles

Zone Perfcet Bars $.99
use $.55 from 5/16 SS
final price: $.49 or free with doubles!

Scrubbing Bubbles Power Sprayer $7.99
use $5.00 from 6/13 SS
Final price: $2.99

2 free Redbox movie rentals when you buy 4 participting General Mills Products
General Mills Cereal $1.88 each
Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Trix
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $1.88
General Mills Fiber One Bars $1.88
General Mill Cereal Bars $1.88

Use $1.00/2 cereals from
use $1.00/2 from (click on the printables tab)
use $.55/1 Cinnamon Toast Crunch from
use $.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks from
$1.00/2 from
$.50/2 Fruit Snacks from
use $.50/2 Fiber One Chewy Bars from 7/18 SS

Save $3.00 on your next cosmetic purchase when you buy $10.00 in participating products in a single transaction.  It says CoverGirl, Loreal and Revlon are included.
We have these CoverGirl coupons that might match up to make a pretty good deal!
$1.00 off any product from 6/6 and 7/4 P&G
$1.00 off Queen Collection from 7/11 RP
Buy one Mascara and get a 1-Kit eye enhancer Free from P&G 7/4
$2.00 off Lashblast Fusion Mascara from P&G 6/6

See you Sunday for the new matchups!

Final price as low as $.63 plus the Redbox codes

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Some great new coupons!

Get several great coupons including $1.00/2 Prego that will match up with Albertson's sale that starts tomorrow.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Christmas in July Sale

Just thought I would let you know about a sale that I happened to find.  QVC (yes the channel on TV) is having a Christmas in July sale that ends tonight at midnight.  I got the 2 Temptations Monaco serving pieces shown above for $19.32 plus $11.00 shipping. It would have been $7.57 shipping but I actually ordered 2 sets.  It may not sound like that good of a deal BUT my plan is to split them up for Christmas gifts so that is 4 gifts at $12.41 each.  These are awesome because they are oven safe to 500 degrees, you can mix whatever you are baking right in the pot and then put it in the oven.  They are non-stick so cleanup is great.  Anyway if you check out the sale, make sure you click on the clearance tab on the far right to see the best deals.  Happy Christmas Shopping!

Don't Forget to order your Bountiful Basket!

Go to to order.  They start taking orders tonight at 8:00 and go until they are sold out or until Tuesday night at 11pm.  There are 2 locations in Burley, one in Malta, one in Jerome and one in Kimberly.  The location in Twin Falls is only every other week and I didn't check to see if this is the week or not.  I love this program!

Ridley's doubles coupons on Tuesdays!

Has anyone tried this yet?  I have never made it over to Ridley's so I am just curious if anyone has been doubling on Tuesdays?  Please comment and tell us what you know!
Sales start on Tuesdays and go until the following Monday. See your weekly ad here
Ridley’s Family Markets have locations throughout Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming.


$.25 coupons will be doubled to $.50 coupons

$.50 and $.75 coupons will be doubled to $1.00 coupons
They will NOT double $1.00 coupons or higher.

Don't forget to print...

It is the last week of the month so make sure you print anything that you might want before they are gone!  Remember that always resets at the end of the month and some will return and some will not.  Other sites to check are,, (hit the printable tab).

Sunday, July 25, 2010

No Doubles today...

but we did get a Smart Source, a Red Plum and some coupons in the Parade Magazine.  There is $1.00 off Olay Facial Mousturizer or Facial Cleanser, $.50 off any Walgreens Brand over-the-counter medication, and $3.00 on Bausch & Lomb PreserVision Eye Vitamin Formula.

Friday, July 23, 2010

What's for dinner?

I thought you might like another recipe and since I have bags of pasta and tons of frozen chicken I thought I would give this a whirl!  All I can say is Yummie!

Grilled Chicken with Lemon Basil Pasta


4 whole Grilled Chicken Breasts, Sliced
1 pound Penne Pasta, Cooked Until Al Dente
½ sticks Butter
3 whole Lemons, Juiced
¾ cups Heavy Cream
¼ cups Half-and-half
1-½ cup Grated Parmesan Cheese (or Romano)
Salt And Freshly Ground Black Pepper, To Taste
20 whole Basil Leaves, Chopped

Preparation Instructions

Cook pasta, reserving 1 cup of hot pasta water when you drain. Set pasta aside in a colander.

In the same pot, melt butter over medium heat. Squeeze in the juice of 3 to 4 lemons. Whisk together. Pour in cream and half-and-half. Whisk until hot. Dump in cheese and whisk until melted. Add salt and pepper. Check consistency, adding some of the hot pasta water to loosen the sauce if needed.

Pour pasta and sauce into a large serving bowl. Sprinkle remaining basil all over the top, then add sliced chicken breasts. Serve immediately!

I found this recipe on

2 Inserts this Sunday!

We will be getting a Smart Source and a Red Plum on Sunday.  If you don't get all your inserts please call the customer service number that is on the inside of the front page of the Times News before noon on Sunday. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kmart is doubling coupons starting on Sunday!

There is another Kmart Doubles event coming up this weekend, starting 7/25 through 7/31. You can see a list of participating stores here.

You’ll need a Kmart Rewards Card to participate, you can go here to sign up.

Here are the latest details from Kmart:

* Manufacturer Coupons up to and including $0.99 value are doubled no matter what the retail price of a single item is, but they will not create an overage.

* In-store Activation MUST BE tied to SYWR (Shop Your Way Rewards) card-offer is only good when the SYWR card is swiped FIRST.

* Does not include Kmart Store Coupons
* Does not include Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons
* Limit 5 total coupons per customer per day.
* First 5 coupons provided by customer will be doubled.
* Coupon doubles on EVERYTHING in store!

Thanks Thrifty Mom!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Smith's Sale 7/21 through 7/27

Mix and Match sale is here!  Get $5.00 off instantly at checkout when you purchase any 10 participating items.  Look around the store for deals that are not in the ad.  Price is before $5.00 off/then after $5.00 off

Gatorade Sports Drink $.99/$.49.
Vitamin Water, Smart Water, Amp or Pepsi $1.25/$.75
Tombstone Pizza $2.99/$2.49
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel $1.99/$1.49
Tostitos Tortilla Chips $2.75/$2.25
Nabisco Oreo Cookies $1.99/$1.49
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars $1.99/$1.49
Philadelphia Cream Cheese $1.49/$.99
Keebler Fudge Shoppe Cookies $1.99/$1.49
Kraft or Sargento Cheese $2.38/$1.88
Keebler Crackers or Nabisco Cookies $2.49/$1.99
Stouffer's or Lean Cuisine Entrees $2.38/$1.88
  • use $1.00/5 from 5/2 SS
  • Final price: $.88 each when you buy 10

3 pack Silk or Horizon Milk $2.99/$2.49
Boulder Canyon Chips $1.49/$.99
Kasi GoLean Cereal $3.49/$2.99
Glaceau Smart Water $1.25/$.75
Kashi TLC Granola Bars $3.49/$2.99
Izze Sparkling Drink $3.99/$3.49
Snapple Tea 6 packs $4.99/$4.49
Frappuccino 4 packs $4.99/$4.49
  • use $1.00/1 from 5/2 SS
  • Final price: $3.49 each
Monster Energy Drinks $1.49/$.99
Florida Natural Orange Juice $2.77/$2.27
Breyers Ice Cream $2.47/$1.97
  • use $.75/2 from 6/27 SS (exp 7/25)
  • final price: $1.59
Dannon Yogurt 4-6 packs select varieties $2.29/$1.79
several $1.00 coupons from 6/6 Smart Source
Final price $.79 each

Other deals:
Mountain Dairy Milk 3/$6.00
Kroger 24 pack Water 4/$10.00
Bar S Franks $.69
Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns $1.00
Kroger Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream or Dips $1.00 each
Crest 6.4 Select Varieties $1.00 each
  • use $.75/1 from P&G 7/4
  • or use $.50/1 from P&G 6/6
  • final price: $.25-$.50 each
Oral B Indicator Toothbruch $1.00
  • use $2.00/2 from P&G 7/4
  • or use $.75/2 from P&G 6/27
  • final price: $.63 - FREE
Whole Chicken $.99 lb.

Albertson's Sale 7/21 through 7/27

There are some deals that will be especially good if we get doublers this Sunday (which I am pretty sure we are getting!)

Produce Deals:
Fresh Peaches, Nectarines or Plums $.79 lb.
Fresh Cilantro $.33 each
Fresh Bunch Broccoli $1.29 lb.
Fresh Seedless Watermelon $.29 lb.

Meat Deals:
Albertsons Chicken Drums, Thighs or Whole Legs $.99 lb.
Albertsons Beef Round Rump Roast $1.99 lb.
Albertsons Fresh Whole Fryer Chicken $.99 lb.

Snack Mania Promo Mix and Match 4 items and get them for $1.75 each (must buy in increments of 4)
M&M's Cnady 9.9-12.6 oz.
Nabisco Ritz Crackers
Cheez-It Cracker
Mother's Cookies
Lay's Potato Chips
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
Nestle Fun Size Candy Bars
Super Chill Soft Drink 12 pack
Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts

Kelloggs Cereal $1.75 each when you buy 4 (select varieties)
Use $1.25/3 from 6/27 RP
use $1.00/1 Cinnabon Cereal from 6/27 RP (if included in sale)
use $1.00/2 Frosted Mini Wheats from 7/11 RP
use $1.00/2 from
use $1.00/2 from
use $1.00/2 from
Final price: as low as $.75 each if we get doublers

Quaker Cereal $1.75 each when you buy 4 (select varieties)
Use $.50/1 Cap'n Crunch Cereal from 5/16 RP
Final price $1.25 each

Other Deals:
DanActive $2.00
use $1.00 from 7/18 SS
Final price: $1.00 or free with doubles

Dannon Activia $2.00
use $1.00 from 7/18 SS
Final price: $1.00 or free with doubles

Danimals Crush Cup and Coolision Yogurt $2.00
use $1.00 from 7/18 SS
Final price: $1.00 or free with doubles

Bagel Bites $2.00
use $1.00 from
Final price: $1.00 or free with doubles

There are a lot of manufacturer coupons in the ad, I am only listing the ones that I think are the best.

Free Ore-Ida Frozen Potato Products when you buy two Oreida French Fries or Tater Tots
Final price on 3 items is $6.00 or $2.00 each

$1.00 off Wesson Cooking Oil 84 oz
Final price: $1.99

Kraft catlina started on Monday, Buy 5 participating Kraft Items between 7/19 - 8/15 and receive a $5.00 catalina to use on your next order.
Products that are included are:
Knudsen Cottage Cheese
Knudsen Sour Cream
Cracker Barrel cheese
Cheez Whiz
Breakstone's Sour Cream
Breakstone's Cottagae Cheese
Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Kraft Deli Deluxe slices
Kraft Cracker Cuts cheese
Kraft Natural Cheese
Kraft Parmesan Cheese
Kraft Singles

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bountiful Baskets

Good news!  Bountiful Baskets just opened 2 new locations today, 1 in Burley and 1 in Malta!  Get your basket ordered before 11:00pm!

Amazing Deals at Albertson's

Thanks to for the heads up on the catalinas printing at Albertsons.

Buy 3

Secret Deodorant @ $1.99
use $0.75 from PG 7/4
Total OOP: $3.72, and receive $5 Catalina
Final Price: $1.28 Money Maker

Buy 3
Olay Regenerist Face Wash $6.49
use $3/1 from PG 7/4
use $5.00 Catalina from Transaction #1
Total OOP: $6.37

Buy 3
Secret Sheer Mineral Deodorant $3.49
$2/1 from PG 6/6 x 3
use $5 Catalina from Previous Transaction
Total OOP: +0.53 Money Maker (You will need to find a Filler Item, I suggest Produce)
If you do all three of these transaction you will qualify for the PG $10 Rebate
Final Cost: FREE

Bountiful Baskets

I am so bummed!  I missed getting a Bountiful Basket for the second week in a row!  I can't believe how fast they sell out.  I have about 6 people wanting one in Declo, has anyone found a location? Emailed Bountiful Baskets?  Does anyone know if Malta is getting one?  Just curious because I am missing my fresh produce.

Coupons in Sunday;'s paper

Did you all see the coupon for a FREE 12 oz Fruit Smoothie or Frappe found in the 7/18 Parade. Coupon expires 8/15.

Also in the Parade were
$1.00 off any two packages of Kelloggs FiberPlus cereal or chewy bars
$.50 off any Walgreens Brand over the counter medication

And we got a Smart Source insert.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just for your info...

I just wanted you all to know that we are moving to Pocatello in a few weeks.  I am sad to say goodbye to Burley and all my fellow shoppers! 
We are looking for a house to rent/lease in Pocatello if anyone knows of a decent place, please, please let me know!
It is a little scary when you have owned a home for the last 20 years and have to go back to renting!

By the way, we will be having a HUGE moving sale in a few weeks!  I will keep you posted!

Smith's Sale 7/14 through 7/21

I (Nicole) have not found the time to do the matchups so I am totally cheating and sending you the links to other blogs.  Sheri (bless her soul!) will be handling Smith's from now on!   Just remember that these postings both come out of the Boise area and they get different coupons then we do.

Here is what Fabulessly Frugal is posting

Here is what The Krazy Coupon Lady is posting

Thanks for your patience while we reconfigure ourselves!

Yard Sale Ads

Time to send in your ads!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fabulous recipe using our stockpile items.

Here is the link so she gets credit:

S'Mores Stuffed Brownies

When I saw this post over at Picky Palate I knew it was a recipe I had to try. I love s'mores and I love brownies! What better than to smash the two together?! Seriously. These S'more Stuffed Brownies are incredible! And I don't mean, "huh, those are good" incredible. I mean "holy heck, these rock!" incredible!

What you will need:

* 1 box of brownie mix

* ingredients needed to make the brownies

* 16 large marshmallows

* chocolate bars

* graham crackers

What to do:

* Make the brownie mix according to the package.

* Pour half of the batter in a 9 x 9 pan that you lined with tin foil and sprayed with non-stick spray. (This makes them easier to remove... seriously)!

* Cover the batter with graham crackers.

* Cover the graham crackers with the chocolate bars. (Get creative here if you would like. I made another batch using Reese's Peanut Butter Cups instead. Delish!)

* Cover with marshmallows. (I used the big marshmallows but next time I make these, and there will definitely be a next time, I will use the mini marshamllows and see how that works.)

* Now pour the remaining brownie batter over the top.

* Bake at 350 degrees for 40 - 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out fairly clean.

* Let cool completely! (This is important. I was a little too eager and tried to cut them while they were still a little warm. It was messy! But still delicious!) =o)

Now go grab a glass of ice cold milk and enjoy!

Albertson's Sale 7/14 through 7/20

Not much going on this week.  I am only listing what I think are the best deals. 

In-Ad coupons:  
Albertsons Large Eggs $.88 each limit of 4

Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat or Wallet Pack Lunch Meat $2.99 limit of 4

Albertsons 96% Lean Ground Beef $3.99 lb. limit of 4

Snack Mania Mix and Match any 4 of these items and they will be $1.75 each.  Must buy in increments of 4 to get this price.

Snyder's Flavored Pretzels
use $1.00 from 5/23 SS
final price: $.75 each

Chex Mix Traditional
use $.50/2 from 6/13 SS
or use $.55 off from
Final price: $1.20-$1.50 each

Nature Valley Granola Bars
use $.75/2 from
or use $.50 off Sweet and Salty from
Final price: $1.25 - $1.43 each

Nut Clusters
use $1.00 from
final price: $.75 each

There are other items but I don't know of any coupons that match up.

Fresh Express Salad Blends 2/$5.00
Get free Nature Sweet Tomatoes wyb 2 salad blends (max value $2.50)

Act II Popcorn 3 pack $1.00
use $.40 from 6/2 SS
final price: $.60 each

Grandma Sycamore's White or Wheat Bread $1.79 each

Wanchai Ferry Entree $3.49
use $.75 from 6/13 SS or
Final price: $2.74
(I have to admit that these are my favorite boxed meal!  I never made stuff like this until I started commuting to Pocatello everyday, but this is a 20 minute meal and it is great!)

Romano's Macaroni Grill Dinner Entree $3.49
use $.75 from
Final price: $2.74

Dentyne Gum $1.29
use $1.00 from 6/13 SS
Final price: $.29

Coffee-Mate Flavored Coffee Creamer $1.99
use $.50 from 5/2 SS
Final price: $1.49 each

Coca-Cola 2 liter $.87 each when you buy 3 at a time.

Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion $2.99
use $1.00 from 6/27
final price: $1.99

That's what I have so far, let me know if you see anything else!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Today's paper

Just want to make sure everyone got a Red Plum, a Smart Source, Albertson's Doublers and a Sarah Lee coupon out of the Parade magazine.

Let me know if you find any great double ideas!

Stockpile help

I want to help us use our stockpiles. The first thing I'd like to do is address any needs. Do you have something in your stockpile that you have no idea how to use (hey, it was probably free right?)? Do you have groceries that you need new ideas how to cook because you are tired of the same old recipe? Do you have fun and creative ideas of how you've used items from your stockpiles?

Friday, July 9, 2010

2 inserts this Sunday!

We will be getting a Smart Source and a Red Plum this Sunday.  Still hoping for Doubles but haven't got it confirmed yet!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Print your Mission Tortillas coupon quick before they are gone!
$.75 off any package
Click here to get yours!

Smith's Matchups for 7/7 through 7/13

3 Day Sale Thursday, Friday & Saturday July 8,9,10
Smith's Dozen Large Eggs $.69 each
American Beauty Pasta 2 for $1.00
Kroger Frozen Vegetables $.88 each
Farmland Sliced Bacon 16 oz $2.99
Kroger Apple Juice 64oz $.99
1/2 Gallon Chocolate Milk or Orange Juice $.99 each
General Mills Cereals $1.49 each when you buy 4
use $1.00/2 from
or use $.55 off Original Cheerios from
or use $.60 off Cinnamon Toast Crunch from
or use $1.00/2 from
Final price as low as $.89 each

Budget Gourmet $.57 each
Kroger Frozen Potatoes $1.19 each

On sale all week:

Tide Laundry Detergent $9.99

Load: $2.00/1 Tide Liquid, any size – (
$1.00/1 Tide Detergent, any size from PG 7/4
Final Price: $6.99

Breyer’s Ice Cream $2.47
$0.75/2 Breyers Ice Cream, any 48 oz. from SS 6/27
Final Price: $2.10

Kraft American Singles $1.79

Frigo String Cheese $2.97
$1.00/1 – Frigo Cheese Heads -(
Final Price: $1.97
Downy or Bounce Fabric Softener $4.99
Load: $2.00/1 Downy, any size – (
$0.25/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Softener or Dryer Sheets, any size from PG 6/6
Final Price: $2.74

Scotch Brite Sponge $1.00
$1.00/2 – Scotch Brite Product – (
Final Price: $0.50

Oral B Advantage Plus Toothbrush $1.97
Load: $0.75/1 – Oral B Manual Toothbrush – (
Also use $2.00/1 Oral B Pulsar, CrossAction or Advantage Toothbrush, any from PG 7/4
Final Price: $0.78 Money Maker!
Coppertone Sun Care $5.00
$1.00/1 – Coppertone Product, any – (
Final Price: $4.00

Ball Park Meat Franks $1.50
$0.75/1 – Ball Park Jumbo Product – (
$0.75/2 – Ball Park Products – (
Final Price: As low as $0.75

Colgate Toothpaste $1.00 each
use $.75 from 6/27 SS
final price: $.25 each

New Catalina at Albertson's to go with the P&G Sale

The promo on the back page of the ad today is for P&G products and this catalina should work nicely, just buy increments of 3 to get the $5.00 catalina.

Buy participating P&G products between 7/4-7/31 and save up to $5 on your next order.

Items that have been confirmed: Always, Herbal Essence, Olay and Secret

Buy 3, Receive a $5 Catalina ($1.67 savings per item)

If anyone knows of any other products that are triggering the catalina please leave a comment or send me an email!  Thanks to thekrazycouponlady!

Albertson's Matchups for 7/7 through 7/13

Not much going on this week.  I have heard some rumblings about getting Doubles on Sunday, I will update you as soon as I know for sure.

In-Ad coupons:

Arctic Shores Extra Large Raw Shrimp $9.98 limit of 4

Hot, Lean or Croissant Pockets $1.39 limit of 6

Fresh Express Complete Salad Kit $1.88 limit of 4

Shoppers Value Salty Snack $.98 limit of 3

Glaceau Vitaminwater and Smartwater $.88 limit of 8

Bar S Jumbo Meat Franks $.88 limit of 4
use $1.00/2 from 5/16 RP
Final price: $.38 each

Powerade $.59 limit of 8

Promo on back page of Ad:   Free $15.00 ITunes Gift Card when you spend $30.00 on participating products in a single transaction using your Albertson's Preferred Card.  Small print says Coupon will print at checkout. Limit one redemption per customer.  (I am assuming that means that a coupon will print and you will have to go online or mail it in to get the ITunes card and they will only issue 1 per household.)  If anyone knows anything different please let me know. 

Final price will be listed after coupon/ after factoring in $15.00 promo.  So this is only a good sale if you use Itunes or a few things will be good if we get doubles.  Remember stock up prices are at least 60% off normal price.

Old Spice Deodorant $2.49 each
use BOGO free from P&G 7/4
or use Buy Deodorant and get Body Wash Free from P&G 6/6
or use Buy Deodorant and get a Deodorant Free from P&G 6/6
or use $1.00/2 Old Spice Deodorant from P&G 6/6
or use Buy Deodorant, Get Body Spray Free from P&G 6/6
Final price will vary from $.87/$2.02

Secret Deodorant $2.49 each
use $.50 from P&G 6/6
or use $.75 from P&G 7/4
Final price: $.59/$1.99 each

Pringles Super Stack $1.39 each
use $1.00/4 from 6/27 RP
Final price: $1.16/$.48

Pampers Big Pack Diapers $19.99
use $2.00/1 from 7/4 P&G, 6/21 RP
or use $1.50/1 from 7/4 P&G, 6/6 P&G
Final price: $17.99/$10.49 each

Olay Bar Soap or Body Wash $5.99 each
use $1.00 from 7/4 P&G
or use $4.00/1 Total Effects Body Wash form 6/6/ P&G (if included in sale)
If Total Effects is included in the sale you can also use the Buy one body wash, get Ivory Body Wash, Bar Soap or Hand Wash Free from 6/6 P&G
Final price varies from $4.99-free

Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner $3.49
use $1.00/2 from 6/6/ P&G, 7/4 P&G or 6/13 SS
Final price: $3.04/$1.39

Pantene Styling Product $3.49
use $1.00/1 from 7/4 P&G
Final price: $2.49/$.82

Always or Tampax Pads or Tampons $4.99
use $2.00 from 7/4 P&G, 6/6 P&G for Pearl or Compak Pearl
or use $1.00 from 7/4 P&G, 6/6 P&G
or use $1.00 off pantiliners from 6/6 P&G
or use $1.00 off Always from 6/6 or 7/4 P&G
Final price varies from $3.99 - $.49

Crest Toothpaste $1.50 each
use $.75 from 7/4 P&G
$.50 off paste from 6/6 P&G
or use $.50 off liquid gel from 6/6 P&G
or use $.75 excludes cavity, Baking Soda, Tarter protection from 6/6 P&G
I am not sure which ones are included so be sure to check your coupons!
Final price: $1.00/ free

Oral B Toothbrush $1.50
Depending on which ones are included you can use these:
$.75/1 or 2 from 6/27 RP
$.50 manual toothbrush excludes cavity defense form RP 6/6
or use BOGO free Pulsar Manual Toothbrush Single from 6/6 P&G
Final price: $1.00/free

Tide Laundry Detergent or Stain Release In Wash Booster $10.99 each
use $1.00/1 from 6/6 or 7/4 P&G
or use $1.00/1 Stain Release for 7/4 P&G
Final price: $9.99/$4.99

These are the only products that are even worth mentioning so check the ad for the rest of the participating products. 

Other items worth mentioning:
Grandma Sycamore's White or Wheat Bread $1.79 each (the best bread ever according to my kids!)

Oroweat Oatnut, Healthnut or Buttermilk Bread BOGO free

Quaker Chewy Granola Bars $1.67 each
Not a stock up price, but no bad if you are out and need summer snacks!

Kellogg’s, Keebler $1.50 each when you buy 8 participating items
There are more products but these are the only ones we have coupons for:
Kelloggs Cereal
use the $1.00/2 from the 6/6 RP
or use the $1.25/3 from the 6/27 RP
final price low as $1.00 each when you buy 8

DanActive $2.00
use $1.00  from the 6/6 SS
final price $1.00

Dannon Activia $2.00
use $1.00 from the 6/6 SS
final price $1.00

Light and Fit Yogurt 4 pack $2.00
use $1/2 Dannon Light & Fit Multipack printable
final price $1.50

Bountiful Basket update

I have had a few questions about Bountiful Baskets so I am answering them on here instead of individually.
If you log in and the location that you want does not show up then that means they are sold out.  Each location is set up to get a certain amount and when they are all purchased then the location no longer shows up.  When you go in and order, it will show how many are available next to the location.  I ordered Monday night at 9:00 and there were 18 left (out of 100 for Burley). 
If anyone would like to start another location, you go to and email them to set one up.  You will need to have a location that you can use year round that is free to use.  Everything is run by volunteers so make sure you have a few people that will not leave you hangin'! 
I have heard rumors that they are starting one in Malta but I don't know where. 
You can start ordering Monday night at 8:00 pm, pickup is on Saturday and the time depends on which location you are going to.
Hope this helps!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Kmart Doublers are back starting July 4th!

I checked the list and Twin Falls, Pocatello, Rexburg, Ammon, Boise, and Nampa are all participating.  To check your store click here 

They are doubling Health and Beauty Coupons from 7/4 through 7/10.

You must present your Shop Your Rewards Member number at time of purchase.
Limited to 5 coupons per customer, per day.
Only first 5 coupons will be doubled.
Please see store associate for details.
Kmart reserves the right to modify or cancel this program at any time.

3 responses so far!

Just to update everyone, I have had 3 responses to my plea for help!  One would like to cover yard sales and how to use our stockpiles, the others are just willing to help.  If you would like to help please let me know! 
I probably need to clarify a few things.  To handle a store you just need to have access to the weekly ad (from the newspaper) and have a few hours to go through and matchup what we have coupons for and post it online.  I will give more details on how this works to whomever is helping.  If you know anyone who works at the store that you choose to cover, you can ask them to please email or call you if there is a deal that they would like to have posted.  You do not have to be in the store more then your regular shopping trip.  Also if you have signed up for product newsletters and you get an email for a link to a coupon, you can share that on the blog. 
Thanks for all your patience this week!

1 insert this Sunday

We will be getting the new P&G this Sunday.  Hopefully some great coupons!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just getting your attention!
I am finally coming to the conclusion that I am not wonderwoman (I never was this version but one can dream right)  and can no longer do everything!  I know those of you who know me well are probably shocked beyond belief to know that these words are coming out of my mouth!  So needless to say, I am either looking for 3-10 people who are interested in helping with this blog or I am going to have to pull the plug. 
I am thinking that if each person picked a store (Smith's, Walgreen's, Albertson's, Walmart, etc.) then it would be alot less time consuming, PLUS we would cover more and the site would be alot better.  I would love to have more content, businesses who would give us coupongals deals, yard sale posts, posts on how to use our storage, in other words the potential is endless! 
If you are interested please email and leave me your phone number and I will call you asap!   Just FYI, there is no compensation EXCEPT for the joy that comes from knowing that you have helped others save money and feed their families.  I truly, truly have enjoyed getting to know so many new people and seeing lives change!  The best payment I can get is when I get emails or see people and they tell me how they didn't have to forclose on their house, or they got to send a child to college, or that they can afford medication, braces, vehicles, surgeries...  You would all be amazed if you had heard all the stories that I have. 
Hope to hear from some of you soon, doesn't matter if you are in the Burley area or Twin.  We can cover any stores that you guys are willing to help with.
Thanks to all of you who follow the blog, hopefully we can keep it going!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Albertson's Sale 6/30 through 7/6

This will be a work in progress for a few hours.  Not a very exciting week at all which is typical of a holiday week, so I plan on taking a week off and enjoying my long weekend!

Kraft Promo, found on back page of ad.  Spend $10.00 on participating products, get $3.00 off instantly.

$1.00 items, only $.70 each after instant savings
Kraft BBQ Sauce
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Taco Bell Seasoning, Hot Sauce, Refried Beans, Taco Shells
Jello Pudding or Gelatin
Kraft Jet Puffed Marshmellows
Nabisco Go Cups
Cool Whip, or Dips

There is still a catalina running on Cool Whip
Buy 3 get a $1.00 catalina
Buy 4 get a $2.00 catalina
Buy 5 get a $3.00 catalina

Buy 5 Cool Whips, use 2 coupons for $.20/2 from 6/27 SS
Buy 5 other $1.00 items
Get $3.00 off instantly for spending $10.00
Pay $6.60 plus tax
Get back a $3.00 catalina.
Total $3.30 for 10 items or $.33 each

$2.00 items, only $1.40 after instant savings.
Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts
Taco Bell Salsa
Country Time Kool Aid Sugar Sweet Canisters
Capri Sun
Nabisco Snack Crackers
Knudsen Sour Cream
Oscar Mayer Meat Bologna or Cotto Salami
Kraft Salad Dressings
Kraft singles, Meltdowns, Shredded or Brick Cheese

3 for $10.00, $2.34 each after instant savings
Kraft Miracle Whip or Real Mayo
Nabisco Nilla Wafers
Kraft Velveeta
Claussen Pickles
Crystal Light

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Albertson's shopping trip!

2 Go-gurts, used $.80/2 and doubled it; 2 Sour Creams, used BOGO Free; 1 Trop 50 juice, used $1.00 printable and doubled it; 1 Tums, used $1.00 printable and doubled it; 2 gallons milk; 4 Boxes Fruit Snacks, used 2-$.50/2 coupons.  Paid with $2.50 catalina from other fruit snack transaction.  Total OOP $18.91, saved $20.01 and got a $5.00 catalina for the dairy promo and a $2.50 catalina for fruit snacks.

6 bags of Nut Clusters on closeout for $1.00 each, used (6) $1.00 coupons from,; 2 Rhodes Warm-n-Serve Rolls $2.50 each, used 2-$1.00 coupons and doubled them; 2 pkgs Oscar Mayer hotdogs $2.50 each, used $1.00/2 printable; 1 Oxiclean 10 pack $3.74, used $2.00 coupon; Mrs. Stewarts Bluing $2.99 (just needed it, no coupon).  Total OOP $9.92, saved $40.15.

4 boxes of fruit snacks, used 2- $.50/2 from; 2 jars of Best Food mayo $1.99 each, used 2-$.75 coupons from yesterday; doubled 3 coupons.  Total OOP $5.92, saved $14.50 and got a $2.50 catalina from the Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks.

6 packages of Nabisco Cookies at $1.99 each; used 3- $1.00/2 from the Nabisco book that we got last fall and doubled them.   Total OOP $6.48 and saved $12.00.
6 bottles of Hershey's Syrup, use 2 - $1.00/3 and doubled them; 2 Ziploc bags, used $1.00/2 and doubled it.  Also used Buy 2 get 1 free coupon found in the store.  Total OOP $9.64, saved $14.74.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Time to clean out those expired coupons!

This Sunday we will be getting a new P&G and all of the old ones will expire plus we had a lot that expired on 6/20 and 6/30 so please remember the base that we adopted and send them in!  We used to have you send them into Danielle Williams but she says it costs just as much for you to send them to her as it does to send them directly to the base.  Here is the address:
Family Service Program
Unit 5134 Box 80
APO AP 96368-5134
Please separate them into non-foods and food coupons and put them in baggies.  (You should have 1 non-foods bag and 1 food bag).  The troops can use them for 6 months after they expire here.  Thanks for supporting those serving our country!  Especially with the 4th of July this week, I am truly grateful for our freedoms and for the people who sacrifice so much for me! 

Don't forget about the fruit snack deal!

Buy 4 Fruit Snacks, Gushers, Roll-ups and Fruit by the Foot =$9.96

Use (2) .50/2 from and
Save $4 instantly
Use (2) doubles
OOP: $3.96
Get $2.50 catalina
Final Price: $1.46 or .37 each

Don't forget to print!

It is almost the end of the month which means that will be resetting so print what you want before they are gone!
Also don't forget that you can print 2 of each coupon for each computer that you have.  Select the ones you want to print, print them and then push your back arrow button twice and print again!
Other sites to check are, and  On you can either load coupons onto your Smith's Fresh Value card or click on the Printable coupon tab and print them out to use anywhere.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The rest of my Albertson's matchups!

Sorry, but my life is a little more then crazy right now.  I am finally finishing the matchups and these are the best deals this week.  I should have done them first!

Don't forget that Doubles are coming on Sunday!

General Mills Cereal - buy 4 save $4 instantly at register, final price $1.49

Cereal: Cheerios, Trix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Golden Grams
or use $1.00 off 2 coupon from,
Wait to use doubles.
Buy 4, final price: $1.96 for 4 boxes or $.49 each!

Ice Cream Promo buy $12 worth of items get back a $4.00 catalina
(only listing items with coupon matches…check ad for full list)

Drumstick Ice Cream Cones $3.00 only $2.00 after catalina
Use $1.00 coupon from 5/2 SS
Final price $1.00 each or Free with a Double

Dibs 9 oz $3.00 only $2.00 after catalina
use $1.00 coupon from 5/2 SS
Final price $1.00 each or Free with a Double

Dibs Family Value bag 22.7 oz $4.00 only $2.68 after catalina
use $1.00 coupon from 5/2 SS
Final price $1.68 or $.68 with a Double

June Dairy Promo is still going so check around the store for items with the Blue Tag saying Buy 5 Products, get a $5.00 catalina.
Here is how to get free sour cream!

Darigold Sour Cream 16 oz tub $1.89
Buy 6 tubs =$11.34
use the 3 coupons BOGO free from 3/28 smart source -$5.67
also use 3 coupon for .40 off from 6/13 smart source (for the ones you are not getting free) -$1.20
Final price $4.47
after you pay get back a $5.00 dairy promo catalina

Yard Sales for this weekend!

Here is what I have so far.  If you are having a sale just send an email to !

~ Huge Multi Family Yard Sale ~

Antique Bedroom Set
Pellet Stove Insert
Air Compressor - Wheel Barrow DeWalt
Tool Box - (For Truck Bed)
Heavy Duty Sprinkler Heads (4)
Pine Kitchen furniture
Bakers Metal Shelf
2005 Polaris 600 RMK Snowmobile 144 track $3,200.00
FMF motorcycle pipe
Woman Schwinn Bicycle
Kids 10 speed Bicycle
Luggage/Gear Bags
Baby Stuff
Shoes & Clothing all sizes for: Men, Woman, Girl & Boy Baby & Toddler
Maternity Clothing
Housewares - Magic Bullet
Queen Comforter

Friday June 25th & Saturday June 26th
8 am to 4 pm

2528 E. 3769 N.
Elkhorn Estates Subdivision
Twin Falls, Idaho

From Hospital take Hwy 30/Addison Ave. and go 2 miles
Left on 2600 East - go 1 mile
Right onto 3800 North - go 1/4 mile approx.
Left into Elkhorn Estates (Circle loop with fountains, ponds & white vinyl fencing)
Drive thru gate .8 mile
Turn right go .8 mile (On cul-de-sac - 3rd home)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Albertson's Sale 6/23 through 6/29

Twice the Value (Doubles) are supposed to be coming this Sunday so wait to shop if you can!

The first price listed will be with coupons, the second will be if you use a double.

Hormel Natural Choice Chicken Strips $3.00
use $.55 from 6/6 SS
Final price: $2.45/$1.90

Wacky Mac $.99
use $.50 from 5/16 SS
Final price: $.49/free

Newman's Own Salad Dressing $3.59
use $.75 from 6/6 RP
Final price: $2.84/$2.09 (not a great price unless you only like this kind)

Ziploc Storage or Freezer Bags $2.50
use $1.00/2 from 5/16 SS
or use $.40/1 from 5/16 SS
Final price: $2.00-$2.10/$1.50-$1.60

Viva Big Roll Paper Towel $2.00
use $.40 from 6/21 SS
Final price: $1.60/$1.20

Snyder's Pounder Pretzels or Nebblers $2.49
use $1.00 from 5/23 SS
Final price: $1.49/$.49

Infusium Shampoo or Conditioner $5.00
use $3.00 from 5/9 SS
Final price: $2.00

Aveeno Shampoo or Conditioner $5.99
use $1.00 from 6/21 SS
Final price: $4.99/$3.99

Nivea Women Body Wash $3.99
use $1.00 from 6/21 RP
Final price: $2.99/$1.99

Vlasic Relish $1.29
use $.55 from here
Final price: $.74/$.19

Vlasic Pickles or Spears $2.29
use $.55 from here
Final price: $1.74/$1.19

Smuckers Ice Cream Toppings 2/$3.00
use $1.00/2 from 5/16 RP
Final price: $1.00ea/$.50 each

Pace Salsa $2.00
use $.50/2 from 5/2 SS (exp Sunday)
Final price: $1.75/$1.50 wyb 2

Pace Picante Sauce $2.00
use $.40/2 from 5/2 SS (expires Sunday)
Final price: $$1.80/$1.60 wyb 2

Rhodes Dinner Rolls $3.99
use $1.00/2 from 3/21 RP
Final price: $3.49/$2.99 wyb 2

New York Garlic Toast $1.99
use $.50 from 5/23 SS
Final price: $1.49/$.99

Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce $1.00
use $1.00/2 from 5/23 SS
Final price: $.50/Free wyb 2

Hunt's Ketchup $1.00
use $.20 from 6/21 SS or 5/16 SS
Final price: $.80/$.60

Bar S Meat Franks $1.00
use $1.00/2 from 5/16 RP
Final price: $.50/free wyb 2

Benadryl Anti-Itch Treatment $4.99
use $1.00 from 4/11 RP
Final price: $3.99/$2.99

Slim-Fast 200 Calorie Meal Bars $4.98
use $1.25 from 4/11 RP
Final price: $3.73

Slim-Fast ready to Drink Shakes $4.98
use $1.50 from 4/11 RP
Final price: $3.48

Daisy Sour Cream 16 oz $1.69
use $.50 from RP 6/6
Final price: $1.19/$.69

Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs 2/$5.00
use $1.00/2 from
Final price: $2.00 each/$1.50 each

Fresh Express Garden Salad, Cole Slaw or Shredded Lettuce $1.00 each

Best Foods Mayonnaise $1.99 limit of 2
use $.25 from 5/23 RP
Final price: $1.74/$1.49

OxiClean Products are 25% off, 5 different coupons to use.  If anyone gets prices please comment!

Off Insect Repellent is 25% off, use $1.50/2 or $.55/1 from 6/21 SS. 
Worth looking into especially with doubles!

Please be patient..

I am trying to do the matchups while at work and it is a little challenging!  Also we are supposed to be getting Albertson's Double coupons this Sunday so you will want to wait to go shopping until then if possible.  Thanks!

Smith's Matchups for 6/23 through 6/29

This week Smith's will be making any manufacturers coupon worth $1.00!  In other words a 25 cent coupon will be $1.00, a 50 cent coupon will be $1.00, a 75 coupon will be $1.00.  That is awesome and to top it off there are some great sales that will mean we get stuff for FREE!

FREE items:
Dial bar soap 2 pack or liquid $1.00
use $.35 coupon from 6/13 RP (it will be worth $1.00)
final price: FREE

Carefree Liners 22 ct $1.00
use $.50 off coupon from here
final price: FREE

Ivory Bar Soap 3 pack $1.00
use $.50 off from P&G 6/6
Final price:FREE

Vlasic Relish $1.00
use $1.00 off from here
Final price: FREE

Sunny D 64 oz $1.00
use $.25 off coupon from 5/9 SS
or $.25 off from here
Final price: FREE

Great deals!

Mentos Gum $1.39
use $.55 off form 4/25 SS
Final price: $.39

Wacky Mac $1.25
use $.50 form 5/16 SS
Final price: $.25

Hunts Ketchup 24 oz $1.25
use $.20 from 5/16 SS or 6/20 SS
Final price: $.25

Bounty Basics Paper Towel $1.09
use $.25 from P&G 6/6
Final price: $.09

Zone Bars $1.50
use $.55 from 5/16 SS
Final price: $.50

Dawn Dish Soap $1.59
use $.25 from P&G 6/6
Final price: $.59

French's Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce $1.69
use $.50 from 6/6 SS
Final price: $.69

French's Worcestershire Sauce $1.59
use $.50 from 5/9 SS
Final price: $.59

Dawn Hand Renewal w/Olay $1.49
use $.25 from P&G 6/6
Final price: $.49

Basically just look go through your coupons and see what low value coupons you can use to get a great deal!

Daytona 500 Sale.  Save $3.00 instantly when you buy 10 of the participating products. 
I taught a class last night and told them that I shop Smith's about  every 3 months and this is the sale that I was talking about.  You can mix and match any of the participating products and for every 10 you buy, $3.00 will be automatically subtracted.  At Smith's you can have 50 products (5 sets) per transaction.  They do not list all the products in the ad so look for signs in the store that have Daytona 500 sale on them!

I am only listing the items that we have coupons for, there are some other good deals but you can see them in the ad.

General Mills Cereal: 17 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 18 oz Cheerios, 17.2 oz Frosted Cheerios, 18 oz Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs, 14.8 oz Trix or 10.9 oz Banana Nut Cheerios
Use $1.00/2 from,
Final Price: $1.49 each (after factoring in catalina it will be $.74 each)
Also a catalina is printing:
Buy General Mills Cheerios (includes Apple Cinnamon 12.9 oz, Banana Nut 10.9 oz or Frosted 17.2 oz) between 6/20-7/11 and save up to $1.50 on your next order

Buy 2, Receive $1.50 Catalina ($0.75 savings per item)

Betty Crocker Baking Mixes
use $.75/2 for Premium Brownie Mix from,
Final price: $1.19

Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
use $.50/2 from,,
Final price: $1.19 (after catalina these are as low as $.49 each!)
Also a catalina is printing:
Buy General Mills Fruit Snacks (Fruit By the Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit Roll-Ups, Fruit Stickerz) between 6/14-7/11 and save up to $3.50 on your next order.

Buy 3, Receive $1.50 Catalina ($0.50 Savings per item)
Buy 4, Receive $2.50 Catalina ($0.63 Savings per item)
Buy 5 (or more), Receive $3.50 Catalina ($0.70 Savings per item)

Totino's Pizza Rolls
use $.60/3 from
Final price: $.62 each

Tropicana Pure Premium or Trop 50 juice 59 - 64 oz
use $1.00 off from
Final price: $1.69

Yoplait Yogurt 8 packs (check to see what coupons go with the sale)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lindsay Olive $1.00 coupon!

Become a fan of Lindsay Olives on Facebook and print a $1.00 off coupon!