Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fabulous recipe using our stockpile items.

Here is the link so she gets credit: http://makingmemorieswithyourkids.blogspot.com/2010/06/smores-stuffed-brownies.html

S'Mores Stuffed Brownies

When I saw this post over at Picky Palate I knew it was a recipe I had to try. I love s'mores and I love brownies! What better than to smash the two together?! Seriously. These S'more Stuffed Brownies are incredible! And I don't mean, "huh, those are good" incredible. I mean "holy heck, these rock!" incredible!

What you will need:

* 1 box of brownie mix

* ingredients needed to make the brownies

* 16 large marshmallows

* chocolate bars

* graham crackers

What to do:

* Make the brownie mix according to the package.

* Pour half of the batter in a 9 x 9 pan that you lined with tin foil and sprayed with non-stick spray. (This makes them easier to remove... seriously)!

* Cover the batter with graham crackers.

* Cover the graham crackers with the chocolate bars. (Get creative here if you would like. I made another batch using Reese's Peanut Butter Cups instead. Delish!)

* Cover with marshmallows. (I used the big marshmallows but next time I make these, and there will definitely be a next time, I will use the mini marshamllows and see how that works.)

* Now pour the remaining brownie batter over the top.

* Bake at 350 degrees for 40 - 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out fairly clean.

* Let cool completely! (This is important. I was a little too eager and tried to cut them while they were still a little warm. It was messy! But still delicious!) =o)

Now go grab a glass of ice cold milk and enjoy!


  1. Thanks for posting my brownies. They are delish!


  2. can't wait to try these tonight

  3. Erin, all the ingredients have been available with our coupons or on sale! It works great with our stockpiles! Even the foil!

    Cinda, let us know how it goes!!

  4. Oh wow.These were so good. I think that I will watch them a little closer at the end My marshmellows were a little toastier than I like them on the top but they were still fabulous. I will definately be making these again.

  5. First, I loved the tutorial!!!! These were so fun to make with my kids and the best part......I had EVERYTHING!!!!! Big hit for FHE treat at our house. THANKS!
