Monday, March 15, 2010

Albertson's Post Cereal Sale starts Wednesday!

If you are interested in getting Post Cereal for around $.60 a box you will want to get online and buy some coupons for Post Cereal so that it will be here before the sale ends next Tuesday.  There is a catalina going and we are supposed to be getting doubles on Wednesday that last until Saturday so if possible you will want to get them before Saturday!  I bought $1.00/2 coupons on Ebay and they just arrived!  Make sure you check where they are coming from so you will get them before the sale is over!
Also, Quaker will have another huge event the around the first week in April so see if you can find some coupons for those while you are shopping!  Remember we usually cannot use internet printables on Quaker because there is always fraudulent coupons out there so the store usually won't take them.

1 comment:

  1. To get the $.60/box, did you use doublers?
