Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Albertson's Discussion

I taught a class last night and had several people say that they are having a hard time getting product.  I just got off the phone with Scott and his advice is to speak to either Lanning or Scott and tell them that you are a steady shopper and that you will be buying product each week.  Also on Wednesday when the new ads start you can call or go into the store and order what you want for that week.  The shipment will come in Sunday night and you will be able to pick it up on Monday or Tuesday.  Do not order if you will not pick it up.  If you order and you do not go pay for it, you will not be able to order again.  If you do not order on Wednesdays then it will not be here before the sale is over.  I spoke with him about getting a list together so they have an idea of how many people will be shopping on a weekly basis so hopefully that will help!  Make sure you speak to Scott or Lanning for your orders, or if they are not there then have Teena leave them a note.  Hope this helps!

Also someone called the customer service line and asked if there could be a separate checkstand for Double couponers so we would not have to leave the store and come back in.  It is not about the checkstand, it is Albertson's Corporate Policy stated on the Twice the Value Coupon that says 3 Twice the Value coupons can be used per trip.  Please do not abuse the rules or we will all lose out!


  1. Thanks for the class on Tuesday, I have followed your blog for a while, but it all makes so much more sense now.

    Thanks for taking the time to help all of us. I truly appreciate your efforts.

  2. I am glad to help! Thanks for the comments and I am glad that the class helped!
