Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Weekly Review

This week we had double coupons and a great cereal promo!  For 20 boxes of cereal I paid $21.80.  They are on sale for $1.50 if you buy 10 at a time and they had coupons taped to them for $1.00 off of 2, making them $1.00 a box.  I bought 3 bottles of Downy total care that is on closeout for $5.50, used $1.00 off coupons and doubled them for a total of $11.31.  Suave is on sale for $2.25 and I had $.75 off and doubled them making the total $2.52.  Soup at hand is on 10 for $10.00 or $1.00 each and I have $.50 off one and doubled those making them FREE!.  You have to pay tax so the total for them is $.09!  The chocolate chips I needed and had $.50 off, doubled those making them $1.99 each.  The Soft Scrub wipes we have $1.00 off, doubled that, final price $1.59.  Lean Cuisine are on sale for $1.88 and we have $1.00 off of 3, doubled those so I paid $1.21 each.  Toaster strudels are my son's favorite and I had coupons expiring yesterday for $.55 so I got those for $1.74 each.
Total for my week including all the other double deals that I listed was $90.37 and I saved $187.17.    I spent more then I usually do in one week but overall for the month I spent $202.37.  I saved $687.24.  Overall a pretty good month!

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