Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Deal on Produce!

I got this email from Amanda and I am so excited about this!  We are checking into getting it started in Burley but they already have it in American Falls, Pocatello and Twin Falls so check it out!

I'm just sending you link that I think may interest your readers (and possibly you too!).

It is fabulous. Fab.u.lous. You can go to the site and read about it, but I will still share a little bit of information. I just started doing this, as it was recommended by just about every person I ran into. Each week you purchase your Bountiful Basket online (for me, it's on Mondays). Then on Saturday, you pick up your basket(s) at your designated location. Each basket has six veggies and six fruits...all for $15. For instance, this morning when I went to pick up my Basket, it contained: 8-10 roma tomatoes, 5 avocados, 1 very large head romaine lettuce, 2 very large cucumbers, 2 squash, 1 small bag of baby carrots, 1 coconut, 1 bunch of bananas, 1 bag of apples, 1 bag of nectarines, a small container of strawberries, a small container of blackberries (oh, divine!) and 3 navel oranges that are the size of grapefruits.

Some weeks they offer "extras" or "add-ons". For instance, one week they offered 12 pounds of strawberries for $8. They have also offered what they called the 'Mexican package', which contained avocados, onions, garlic, & Mexican limes, all for $6.50. They also offer loaves of bread (5 loaves for $10), which isn't fabulous price, but I hear the bread is amazing. Also, bread freezes well.

You never know what they will offer as "extras" each week until you log-on, but it is definitely worth it! You also don't know what exact produce you get until the day of pick-up, so I just build my menu for the following week around what was in my basket. I took my laundry basket (that fits on my hip) and came home with it FULL. It was so exciting to know I was getting produce for $15!!

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